Back European Donation Day 2024: a celebration of life and giving

EDQM Strasbourg, France 25/09/2024
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European Donation Day 2024: a celebration of life and giving

Created almost 30 years ago, European Donation Day (EDD) – the European Day for Organ, Tissue and Cell Donation – is a powerful initiative aimed at raising awareness of the life-saving potential of organ, tissue and cell donation, driven by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM), part of the Council of Europe. In 2024, EDD will be celebrated on 5 October and hosted by Lithuania – currently holding the Presidency of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers.

Activities organised around EDD promote voluntary, non-remunerated donations, honour the individuals and families behind them, and send a message of thanks and support to the healthcare professionals who save and improve lives by making donation and transplantation a reality.

This important day will be punctuated by several related events in the Lithuanian capital city of Vilnius under the theme “Lithuania – The Capital of Organ, Tissue and Cell Donation”. The European Committee on Organ Transplantation (CD-P-TO), the intergovernmental committee in charge of the Council of Europe’s work in the field, will hold its plenary meeting on 3 and 4 October. The EDD opening ceremony will take place on the evening of 4 October, and several prominent buildings will be illuminated in green, the EDD colour in 2024, to mark the occasion. An international conference entitled “Organ Donation and Transplantation: Let’s Build Bridges for Life” will be held on 5 October, enabling discussions on best practice and the sharing of experience. Find out more in the EDD programme published by the Lithuanian organisers.

Between 4 and 6 October, the Palais de l’Europe in Strasbourg, the headquarters of the Council of Europe, will also be illuminated in green to raise awareness and encourage organ, tissue and cell donation, but also to put our gratitude to all donors and healthcare professionals on full display.

The European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) will join the #EuropeanDonationDay and run an online campaign in support of organ, tissue and cell donation. On 10-12 October 2024, ESOT will also hold an International DCD Congress & Consensus in Bucharest.

You too can contribute. Talk to your loved ones about organ, tissue and cell donation and make your wishes known. Donate stem cells, oocytes, sperm or umbilical cord blood. Offer hope to those in need. Make that one decision to help those suffering from end-stage organ failure or serious conditions impairing essential functions, such as sight. The need is great, yet demand for transplants still far exceeds supply, with thousands of new patients being added to waiting lists every year.

#OneDecision social media campaign

We invite you to join the EDQM’s #OneDecision social media campaign and reflect on the power that one decision can have. One decision to become a donor can save so many lives. By becoming a donor, you have the power to save up to eight lives through organ donation and improve over 100 more through tissue and cell donation. Make that decision today and become a donor! Many lives are waiting for the chance that only you can give.

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