Free training resources: online sessions for home learning – Sign up today!
Online training is the ideal way to improve your skills during quarantine. Why not make the most of your time at home to pick up new skills and gain valuable knowledge by attending an online training session?
The good news is that all the EDQM training sessions and webinars are available free online, covering a wide variety of subjects. Here are a few examples.
- JUST PUBLISHED: Training Session on the Management of Extraneous Agents in IVMPs
The approach to extraneous agent testing in IVMPs has recently been updated and manufacturers of these products are required to comply with new standards from 1 July 2020. Learn more the revised Ph. Eur. requirements, what has changed and why.
Learn more about chemically-defined substances, elemental impurities, the main Ph. Eur. texts dealing with biologicals, finished product monographs, and much more.
JUST PUBLISHED: European Pharmacopoeia Training Webinars, 7-8 July 2020
Learn more about compendia reference standards including reference standards for small molecules and biologicals.
Learn more about the content of Certificates of suitability to the Ph. Eur. (CEP), the aim and scope of a CEP, become familiar with CEP application requirements and the most frequent questions raised after the initial evaluation of a new application for a CEP, and much more.
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