World Blood Donor Day, 14 June 2018: "Be there for someone else. Give Blood. Share Life"
EDQMStrabourg, France13/06/2018
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June 14 is World Blood Donor Day! Let’s celebrate together!
A, B, 0: some letters are more important than one may think... Join the EDQM in supporting the World Blood Donor Day.
Giving blood saves lives. Every year more than 25 million blood transfusions are performed in Europe!
Established in 2004 at the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) takes place every year on 14 June. This event is a tribute to voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood and aims to raise awareness on the need for regular blood donations, as a way of ensuring a sustainable supply of blood and blood components for all those patients in need.
The theme of this year's WBDD campaign is: “Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life”. It focuses on blood donation as an act of solidarity and highlights the fundamental human values that underpin voluntary and unpaid blood donation: compassion, generosity and kindness.
The host country for World Blood Donor Day 2018 is Greece: the Hellenic National Blood Centre will host the global event in Athens.
The role of the Council of Europe (CoE)/EDQM in the field of Blood Transfusion
The CoE has been active in the field of blood transfusion since the 1950's and has always supported WBDD. The work of the CoE/EDQM on blood transfusion is built around three major principles: the non-commercialisation of substances of human origin given on the basis of voluntary and non-remunerated donation, mutual assistance and protection for both donors and recipients.
The work of the CoE/EDQM is carried out under the umbrella of its European Committee on Blood Transfusion (CD-P-TS), which elaborates ethical, legal and technical standards to ensure the safety, quality and optimal use of blood, increase its availability and avoid wastage. Furthermore, with its operational activities the CoE/EDQM supports the implementation of the CoE standards and European Union (EU) legislation in the field of blood transfusion. Since 2008, the EDQM and the Commission of the EU have been actively cooperating on a number of projects to pursue their common goal of supporting the implementation of ensuring public health protection in Europe.
On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day, you can show your commitment to the cause by:
Signing-up to become a donor in your country!
Supporting the #MissingType initiative from the French EFS ‘Établissement français du sang’.
Update your Facebook, Twitter or website banner by deleting the letters A, B and O from your status or name, as a playful a way to highlight the importance of ensuring the availability of all blood types.