35th Regional ISBT Congress
1- 4 June 2025
Milan, Italy
The EDQM will be participating in the 35th Regional ISBT Congress, which will take place in Milan, Italy. Come and visit the EDQM’s stand and find out more about our organisation and its activities related to blood transfusion.
Learn more about the EDQM’s products and services as well, such as the Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components, the Blood Quality Management Programme (B-QM) and the Blood Proficiency Testing Scheme (B-PTS)
- To participate in the congress, please register with the ISBT.
- Discover and order the 21st edition of the Blood Guide.
- Obtain more information on the Blood Quality Management Programme (B-QM).
- Read the latest EDQM news related to blood transfusion