The Cosmetics and Consumer Goods Department of the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES, Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbH) is the largest official testing laboratory for cosmetic products in Austria. The AGES laboratories are accredited as testing laboratories according to EN ISO 17025.
Between 700 and 1 000 cosmetic products are analysed per year. The spectrum of testing ranges from microbiological to chemical testing. as well as physical testing. Chemical analyses cover both the analysis of ingredients. like UV filters (organic and anorganic), preservatives, fragrance compounds, hair dyes or active ingredients, and chemical contaminants (nitrosamines, heavy metals, phthalates, etc.). An example of physical testing is the efficacy testing of sunscreen products.
Besides the testing of official samples, the department takes part in various national and international structures.
As member of the OCCL Network, the AGES regularly participates in proficiency testing scheme study (PTS) and market surveillance study (MSS) programmes and acts as scientific advisor on a case-by-case basis.
The technically unavoidable traces of contaminants is also an important issue for AGES and regularly discussed at the level of the OCCL Network with the objective to build common understanding and share data between the members.
AGES mission
"Whether pathogens in humans, animals and plants, counterfeit drugs, antibiotic resistance, residues in food, soil and seed testing or radiation and climate protection: we are always involved in preventing and containing possible risks for humans, animals and plants in the sense of the One Health concept and thus ensuring greater safety for consumers in Austria. To ensure this, we analyze, monitor, evaluate, research and communicate 365 days a year."