Retour Nitrosamine contamination: new web page on EDQM response

EDQM Strasbourg, France 28/01/2020
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A new web page providing centralised access to all information related to nitrosamine contamination is now available on the EDQM website. It presents a general overview of the issue and provides details of the actions taken in the different sectors of activity concerned: the European Pharmacopoeia, the Certification of Suitability to the monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia, and the network of Official Medicines Control Laboratories.

In line with its mandate to promote and protect public health in Europe, the EDQM has been working actively at various levels to address the presence of nitrosamines in active substances and medicines since 2018, when certain types of nitrosamines, known as possible carcinogens for humans, were detected in a number of active substances used in certain medicines.

Since then, the EDQM has regularly published information and updates on its website. This new resource page, which provides concerned parties with all relevant information, will be regularly updated as the situation develops.

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