Retour Cosmetics – Joint meeting of OCCL Network and CD-P-COS

EDQM Strasbourg, France 16/05/2024
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Cosmetics – Joint meeting of OCCL Network and CD-P-COS

The 13th meeting of the Network of Official Cosmetics Control Laboratories (OCCLs) was held in Strasbourg on 19 and 20 March 2024. This joint session brought together network members and experts from the European Committee for Cosmetics and Consumer Health (CD-P-COS). Participants from 26 countries attended, including for the first time representatives from the Sofia Metropolitan Regional Health Inspection, Bulgaria, and Health Canada.

Concerns were raised regarding the poor quality of cosmetics designed to appeal to children, and participants encouraged authorities to conduct co-ordinated pan-European market surveillance programmes. Testing of sunscreens was also discussed from a technical perspective, focusing on sun protection factor (SPF) and the presence of the plasticiser di-n-hexyl phthalate, a presumed human reproductive toxicant.

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