Retour Anti-D Immunoglobulin: Exploring collection, production and alternatives

Blood 11-25/09/2023 ON-DEMAND WEBINARS
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Anti-D Immunoglobulin: Exploring collection, production and alternatives

When a mother with RhD-negative blood is pregnant with a baby that has RhD-positive blood, there is a risk her immune system will create antibodies that go on to attack the red blood cells of her next RhD-positive baby. This is known as “Rhesus Disease”, which can have serious and potentially fatal outcomes for newborn babies.

Human-plasma-derived anti-RhD immunoglobulin (anti-D IgG) medicinal products are currently the only available treatment in Europe capable of preventing Rhesus disease in pregnant women. Today, the anti-D IgG products used in Europe are almost exclusively produced from US plasma donors.

The lack of self-sufficiency in anti-D plasma and anti-D IgG products in Europe is of public health concern, with patients being put at risk in the event of a sudden plasma supply shortage when no current alternatives exist on the European market.

While there is a need for self-sufficiency in the provision of anti-D treatment in Europe, the supply of anti-D plasma and production of plasma-derived anti-D IgG is limited and poses many challenges.

This series of three webinars raises awareness on the challenges in the collection of anti-D plasma, the production of plasma-derived anti-D IgG products and will explore potential solutions including the development and use of alternative and complimentary anti-D products.

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Target audience

This webinar series is of interest to all professionals working in the provision of anti-D treatment, blood establishments, manufacturers and clinicians involved in the collection of plasma, manufacture of plasma-derived anti-D IgG products and clinical use of anti-D IgG products, regulatory professionals and policy makers.

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Webinar 1: the collection of anti-D plasma  (1h15min)

Webinar 2: the production of plasma-derived anti-D IgG products (1h15)

Webinar 3: alternative and complimentary products to plasma-derived anti-D IgG products (1h22)

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Hyper immunisation of Anti D Donors the Dutch Experience by Ellen van der Schoot

Rh programme in Australia by Kobie von Wielligh

Hyper immunisation of Anti D donors in US by Cindy Horton

The plasma proteins market - Anti D IgG by Patrick Robert

Specifications of Anti D plasma for fractionation by David Biagioni

Regulatory requirements for licensing Anti D IgG in Europe by Caroline Voltz

The working mechanism of Anti D IgG by Ellen van der Schoot

Present knowledge on Monocolonal antibodies for prophylaxis by Steven Spitalnik

Roledumab (LFB) Preclinical studies by Ellen van der Schoot