
Online application for the Statistical Analysis of Biological Dilution Assay Results or Potency Assay Results
The application was developed at the EDQM and can perform calculations according to Chapter 5.3 of the European Pharmacopoeia. The following models are included:
- Linear regression models for quantitative results: parallel line and slope ratio analysis models,
- Sigmoid models for quantitative results: 4- and 5-parameter logistic regression models,
- 4-parameter logistic regression model for quantal (pass/fail) results, including several data transformations (e.g. probit, logit) and effective doses calculation,
- Analysis of single-dose assays using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test.
CombiStats is intended for use by persons who perform the analysis of assay data but whose primary training is not in statistics. In support, the main statistical aspects of such analysis are available in the documentation.
The application may be used in any situation where the analysis of data from dilution assays is required including for use in the context of monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia.

User licences
As from July 2024, new online application.
A user licence to the new online application - one licence per user, will be acquired against payment of an annual fee. The price per licence is €600.
The licence period corresponds to one year following the activation (or renewal) of the workspace on the CombiStats online application. Discount for multiple simultaneous purchases is available. Extension of the main licence possible (price €600 - validity period identical to the main licence).

Order Combistats
To place an order, visit our online store at or send your order to [email protected]

CombiStats User Manual
The manual provides users with a comprehensive guide to the CombiStats software and its many features.
- User manual (online version)
- User manual (desktop version)