Back Module 1: General methods, general chapters & general monographs

European Pharmacopoeia 2 December 2024 - 10:00-11:30 (CET, France) Live webinar
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Module 1: General methods, general chapters & general monographs

This module will open with a walk-through of the structure of the Ph. Eur., recalling the general underlying concepts, including the General Notices. The scope and correct use of general monographs, dosage form monographs and general chapters will also be explained. Finally, you will learn about new and revised general chapters and texts, relevant for chemically defined active substances, that have been recently updated or are on the work programme of the Ph. Eur. expert groups.

The presentation will be followed by a live Q&A session.

Programme (subject to change):

10:00-11:00 General methods, general chapters and general monographs

11:00-11:30 Live Q&A Session

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Suggested viewing and reading

The EDQM recommends participants watch and read the pre-training materials listed below before joining a training module. The materials will help participants familiarise themselves with some basic concepts and topics which will not be covered in detail in the webinar sessions.

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