Multi-analyte methods for the determination of substances migrating from printing inks to dry food or food simulants
Analytical methods for competent authority laboratories and for private laboratories
Printing inks for food contact materials can be a source of food contamination during several steps, including baking, packaging and during storage or transport. The multi-analyte methods for the determination of substances migrating from printing inks to dry food or food simulants are intended for competent authority laboratories and for private laboratories to assess the safety of food contact materials and articles.
These methods were established under the aegis of the European Committee for Food Contact Materials and Articles (CD-P-MCA), following the 2020 adoption of the Resolution CM/Res(2020)9 on the safety and quality of materials and articles for contact with food, which aims at harmonising regulatory approaches to consumer health protection across member States by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
The methods can be downloaded from FREEPUB.
Visit FreePub, the EDQM’s free publications website, to find the latest information on analytical methods and guidance documents in the category “Food contact”.