The General Notices is the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) go-to chapter that contains important information applicable to all Ph. Eur. texts. Its content is relevant for any user seeking to understand not just the conventional expressions and terminology used throughout the Ph. Eur. but also how the texts interconnect and how they should be applied. This major chapter has now been fundamentally revised and the new version published in Supplement 10.7 of the Ph. Eur.
To cite but a few of the changes, numerous concepts and terms have been clarified and/or amended, potentially confusing synonyms have deleted or clarified, and the general wording harmonised. The revised text also includes a new section on medicinal products containing chemically defined active substances.
During the free webinar, Ph. Eur. users will hear everything they need to know about the concepts in use and the main changes made to the General Notices. The presentation will be followed by a live question-and-answer session. The webinar will be recorded and made available to all registrants shortly afterwards. So even if you are unable to attend the live event, we recommend you register today for this webinar!
- Webinar “Getting the big picture: what has changed in the Ph. Eur. General Notices?”
- Adoption of the revised General Notices chapter (EDQM news, 10 May 2021)