Call for experts: join the Ph. Eur. network!
The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) is seeking independent scientific experts to join its groups of experts and working parties. Professionals from national authorities (e.g. pharmacopoeial authorities, official medicines control laboratories, licensing authorities and inspectorates), the private sector (pharmaceutical or chemical industries), academia, research organisations and other experts are encouraged to apply.
This is an ideal opportunity for you to take part in the work of the Ph. Eur. and to network with professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds and from all over Europe and beyond. Your input will also help shape Ph. Eur. texts, internationally recognised quality standards for medicines.
As an expert of the Ph. Eur. Network, you will make a vital contribution to the elaboration and maintenance of Ph. Eur. texts. In return, you will have the unique opportunity to expand your knowledge of the Ph. Eur. and the European regulatory system, share information and experience, better understand the difficulties linked to the elaboration and revision of pharmacopoeial texts and network with your peers.
The Terms of reference and profile for members of Groups of Experts and Working Parties are available on the website of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM), Join the Network.
Potential candidates are first invited to check that they meet the criteria laid down in these terms of reference before:
- contacting their national pharmacopoeia authorities (contact details available here), for potential candidates from Ph. Eur. member states;*
- completing the Nomination form and the Declaration of Interests form (both available in English only) for potential candidates from non-Ph. Eur. member states and sending them directly to the EDQM via its HelpDesk service.
More information can be found on the Join the Network page of the EDQM website.
Applications will be examined by the Ph. Eur. Commission at its 174th session (22-23 November 2022) when all Ph. Eur. groups of experts and working parties will be (re)appointed. The EDQM will inform candidates from non-Ph. Eur. member states of the decision of the Commission in due time after the session. Candidates from Ph. Eur. member states will receive feedback from their respective national pharmacopoeia authorities.
* Ph. Eur. member states are: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Republic of Türkiye, Ukraine and United Kingdom.