WHO ICRS Orders & Catalogue
Catalogue available to Download
The catalogue lists all the reference standards officially valid for the uses prescribed in the European Pharmacopoeia monographs. It gives a list of newly adopted standards, a Batch Validity Statement (BVS) for reference standards, 2687 Safety Data Sheets, and 1386 leaflets are available to download. It is updated daily in English only.
Reference Standards Catalogue (pdf)
(pdf Bilingual version English and French).
-How to order or request a quotation
Orders or quotation requests can be submitted to the EDQM:
- using the Store;
- by e-mail to orders@edqm.eu. Please ensure that your order is on your company letterhead and states both the catalogue code and substance name, and is attached to your e-mail.
Please submit each order or request only once, either via the WebStore or by e-mail.
Before ordering, we advise you to check the availability of the reference standards in our online database and to read our Terms and Conditions.
For more detailed instructions, please read "Order and dispatch of EDQM products".
For more information about Safety Data Sheets, please go to: