Ce programme a été conçu pour permettre aux participants de développer leurs connaissances et de se familiariser avec les travaux et procédures de la Pharmacopée Européenne dans le domaine des médicaments homéopathiques.
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Public concerné
Cette formation intéressera particulièrement les autorités réglementaires nationales, les fabricants et les managers chargés du contrôle qualité ou des affaires réglementaires dans le domaine des médicaments homéopathiques.
Accédez aux enregistrements vidéo des présentations
- European regulations for medicines: Place and role of the EDQM and the European Pharmacopoeia by Cathie Vielle
- General concepts in the European Pharmacopoeia: theory and rationale | How to find your way in the Ph. Eur. General Notices, General Chapters, General monographs by Dr Emmanuelle Charton
- Structure of the European Pharmacopoeia by Catherine Lang
- Overview on requirements for homoeopathic products of chemical origin: A guide through the different sections by Catherine Lang
- Overview on requirements for homoeopathic products of herbal origin: A guide through the different sections by Catherine Lang
- Homoeopathic monograph case study by Prof. Michael Keusgen
- Overview on requirements for dosage forms and manufacturing methods of homoeopathic medicinal products by Dr Julia Maier
- European Pharmacopoeia Reference Standards: Overview of the policy and process used to establish and distribute a reference standard by Dr Matthias Weber
- How to participate in the elaboration of the European Pharmacopoeia by Dr Julia Maier
- How to make the best use of EDQM website, Pharmeuropa website, Knowledge database by Dr Hans-Joachim Bigalke
Download the presentations
- European regulations for medicines: Place and role of the EDQM and the European Pharmacopoeia by Cathie Vielle
- General concepts in the European Pharmacopoeia: theory and rationale | How to find your way in the Ph. Eur. General Notices, General Chapters, General monographs by Dr Emmanuelle Charton
- Structure of the European Pharmacopoeia by Catherine Lang
- Overview on requirements for homoeopathic products of chemical origin: A guide through the different sections by Catherine Lang
- Overview on requirements for homoeopathic products of herbal origin: A guide through the different sections by Catherine Lang
- Homoeopathic monograph case study by Prof. Michael Keusgen
- Overview on requirements for dosage forms and manufacturing methods of homoeopathic medicinal products by Dr Julia Maier
- European Pharmacopoeia Reference Standards: Overview of the policy and process used to establish and distribute a reference standard by Dr Matthias Weber
- How to participate in the elaboration of the European Pharmacopoeia by Dr Julia Maier
- How to make the best use of EDQM website, Pharmeuropa website, Knowledge database by Dr Hans-Joachim Bigalke
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